It is never too early to begin thinking about college. We can begin working with students as early as 8th grade to provide guidance in selecting curriculum and summer enrichment opportunities. As your child moves into high school, our college planning services becomes more comprehensive and expand to prepare your student to be the most competitive college applicant they can be. We have a package that can work for your student whether in middle school or a senior in high school.
Our Comprehensive College Planning Services Include:
Administer Student Personality Inventory and Evaluate Student Learning Styles
Administer Career Assessment and Develop Career Clusters
Evaluate transcript and Make Recommendations on Course Selection
Recommend Extracurricular Activities, Internships, Community Service and Summer Programs
Prepare a Preliminary List of Colleges that are Academic, Social and Financial Fit for Student
Access to ECC Custom Online Dashboard Designed to keep Student Application Process On-Track
SAT/ACT Test Recommendations and Test Management
Optimal Letter of Recommendation
Develop and Design an Attention Grabbing Resume
Prepare Student for Dynamic College Visits
Teach Essay Brainstorming, / Craft and Polish ALL essays
Review and Edit College Applications
Prepare for College Interviews
Advise Families on All Aspects of Financial Planning Including
​ -Expected Family Contribution
-Prepare FAFSA/CSS Profile
Identify All Scholarship and Merit Aid Opportunities
Analysis and Comparison of Accepted Colleges to Determine Best Fit
Write Financial Appeals and Negotiate Financial Awards